Friday, August 29, 2008

Transposons in plant developmental biology

This video - evidently produced by a student in Virgina Walbott's lab (Stanford)- is more technical than the ones below, and is aimed at the college level. Narrated powerpoint (mini lecture). Technically simple, a lot of information, but the "video" part is not integral to the story and the voice over is flat.

About 'Wisconsin Fast Plants (Paul Williams tells his story)

..sandwiched between time-lapse video and a bit of other footage. The sound has glitches, but it tells a simple story.

A cartoon, just for laughs

Photosynthesis by a group of high schoolers

Here's a YouTube movie on photosynthesis, produced by a group of high school kids. Click on it to play. Bear with the intro. What do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

A musical rendition of photosynthesis

A musical rendition of photosynthesis* on YouTube, by a high school teacher (Glenn Wolkenfeld) in Berkeley, CA. Fast-paced - maybe good for review? BTW, there's a second part if you like this one.

Botany without borders

Polished video, from Karl Niklas (Cornell) & BSA, making the case for plant sciences. This is a 'MUST VIEW'.